Thursday, May 5, 2011

St Louis - April 2011

I was so proud of myself for getting parked at the airport and to the correct terminal all by myself!  I have flown alone before, but I always had someone dropping me off.  This time I was completely on my own!  The flight was pretty uneventful. 

Do you see the rainbow?  That was there to greet us as we prepared to land in St. Louis!  So beautiful! 
Ron met me at baggage claim, and I was so happy to see him!  We dropped my things off at the hotel, then decided to walk to dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse just down the street.  Dinner was very good, although it cost more than I really wanted to spend. 
Dessert was divine!
After eating, we walked back to the hotel and met up with the guys and the moving company that they were buying drinks for.  They were drinking a St. Louis beer: Schlafly.  Love!  I ended up having just a couple too many, but at least we just had to walk up to our room!

Started way too early!  We were up at 6:30 and down in the ballroom by 7:00 to get the booth set up.

It looks so awesome!  I'm so proud of what Ron has built!
They were serving breakfast, but none of it looked very appealing.  I stuck with coffee and water to try to get rid of my hangover.  I also promised myself that there would only be two beers that night.  Ha!
During one of the workshops and meet-n-greet's that I didn't need to be at, I hightailed it up to the room with the goal of getting in Legs & Back.  My key wouldn't work!  I was so upset and frustrated.  Because I wasn't on the registration for the room, they wouldn't let me in!  I went back downstairs and read on my phone until Ron was finished with his meetings.  By then, there wasn't any time for a workout or nap because we had to get ready for the mixer!  I did really poorly at eating well, and in a timely manner on Friday.  I snacked on the hors d'oeuvres buffet they had set up, but most of it was fried or pure carbs.  And again, I drank too much and stayed out too late! 

But I ended up having so much fun!  The people Ron works with are such a great group of people!  They really know how to have fun.  I don't know that I've laughed that hard in a very long time!
We did take the time during the day to walk down to the Arch, which was only a couple of blocks away.
From the street, I wasn't very impressed, but once we got up to it, I was amazed!  It is absolutely stunning!  The lines were too long for us to go up in it, and I'm not sure I really would have wanted to!  It's very big!

Our last day!  I was not ready to leave!  This city, at least the small parts I saw, are so pretty! 

Ron and I slept in, then he went down to pack up the booth, while I made sure all of our things were packed. 
Then we were off to the airport!

What I experienced of St. Louis, was wonderful.  I would love to go back with time to explore the city.  I was very dissappointed that the one meal we ate out for was at a restaurant we could, and have, eat at in Fort Worth.  But I did really enjoy the local beer!  We are trying to find it here.  I think we could probably ask them to order it for us at World Market.  I may have to try that soon!

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