Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My new favorite workout buddy...

Weight: 123.4!!!
Workout: yesterday: W3D1 of C25K; today: kettlebells!

And my new favorite workout buddy is...
I bought her...or him?...this afternoon, and was so excited to use it this evening! My arms are still shaky! I love it. I can't wait to see how sore I'll be tomorrow!

Tomorrow will be W3D2 of C25K. I feel stronger and better after every workout. This has been my sanity in the craziness of work!

And now, I'm off to iron a whole pile of these:

Should be fun!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What a day for a run!

Weight: 123.8
Workout: C25K W1D3

I got to take R on my run with me today.  That always adds such a competitive edge for both of us!  It was pretty cold, so I may have to go buy some arm warmers. 
I have set up a reward for us.  When we complete W5D3, which is the 20 minute run, I will purchase these.
They will be so cute to wear for the 5K on St Patrick's Day!  I am so excited! 
My plan for the week is to run again on Tuesday and Thursday with kettlebells on Monday, Wednesday and either Friday or Saturday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Workout-us Interuptus

Weight: 125 gah!
Workout: yesterday: w1d1 of C25K; today: Jillian Michaels Shred It DVD

And halfway through the dvd, the neighbors show up to help us finish the plumbing in our bathroom!  Since I workout in the middle of the living room, I had to pause.  But eventually the boys left to go to the Depot, and the wife left to take care of dinner (Jack In The Box for them...blech!), so I got to finish.  I did Level 1 today, and totally kicked its a$$.  I'd like to think it's because I'm a bada$$, but it's probably because there was a 30 minute break in the middle of it.  Meh.  At least I finished!
Last night I ran in the dark. I haven't mapped it yet, to get my mileage, but Runkeeper said I did 30 miles.  I really don't think that's the case, so I'll update this post when I know what I actually did.  It was great!  I have new music that I've been listening to on my commute home to get me pumped up.  It really worked! I was so excited to go, that I didn't even care that it was dark, and R didn't want to go with me! 
Plan for tomorrow: w1d2 of C25K. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2

Weight: didn't do it...(see post from Sunday re: bathroom)
Workout: Jillian Michaels Kettlebell workout

I was in my pjs.  I wasn't going to do it.  But then, I sucked it up, changed, and did Level 2 of the aforementioned workout video.  Oh.em.gee!  It totally kicked my ass.  And I loved it! 
For dinner I made pork soft tacos out of the South Beach Diet Cookbook.  They were wonderful!  I have leftovers for R & I to eat for lunch after my surgery.  I also made breakfast for 3 days, again, from the cookbook.
This afternoon I go in for my hysteroscopy, so there will be no working out for 3 days.  I will just really have to watch my diet.  I have a plan for each day, so I will just have to stick with it. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 1

Weight: ? I couldn't do it this morning.  Sorry!
Workout: W1D1 of C25K = 2.1 miles on the treadmill! (and I cleaned house all day, that counts, right?)

Today I decided to begin the blog of my travels.  From not happy about the way I look or feel to.... not sure where I'll end up.  Looking forward to seeing where I go.  For now, my goal is to run a 25 minute 5k in March.  I will also be participating in the South Beach Cooking School Challenge.  I'll keep you updated on both.
My spark: Packing up R's parent's home, J & I came across pictures of R's mother from when the boys were small.  She was beautiful.  One picture in particular still stands out.  She was in her late 20's in a shirt that showed her stomach.  She had already had two children, but was stunning.  In no picture since G was born, do I look, or feel, like she did in that one.  That will change. 
So today I wanted to run.  The weather outside:
And my treadmill looked like this:
because my bathroom looks like this:
But I cleaned it up, sucked it up, and ran.  Week 1, day 1 of C25K done, again.  Looking forward to tomorrow.