Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where does the time go?

Oh my goodness!  My goal for this evening was to do major work on this blog, especially since I haven't posted in two weeks.  And now it's 10:00 and I'm exhausted!
Here is what's been going on in the last two weeks:
It felt like we were holding our breath, just waiting for the other shoe to drop while we waited to find out when we were closing.  Finally, last Wednesday, we closed on both houses and brought our first truck load of boxes to the new house.  By Saturday we were out of the house on Timber Run completely.  There is still so much left to unpack here, but I really feel like we made a dent in the boxes this weekend! 
The last two weeks have also consisted of a lot of eating out, a lot of alcohol, a little working out in the form of unpacking, and no cooking.

I started cooking yesterday after a trip to the grocery store, and I really wanted to work out today, but by the time we got home and had dinner on the table, it was already late.

I'm very disappointed, but I'm going to set my alarm for very early in the morning to try to get a work out in before my day starts.  Ron is out of town, so it will have to be either the treadmill or a weight workout that I remember since the DVD player upstairs isn't plugged in yet.
I'll be posting about this house in a few days, but let me just say: I LOVE BEING IN THE COUNTRY!  That is all. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Packing & Yoga

Look at this! 

Count 'em...2 whole boxes are packed!  Woot! 
We had our appraisal today, and our realtor is very hopeful that it went well.  The appraisal on our new house is tomorrow morning.  If everything gets in like it's supposed to, we are still on track to close on Wednesday on both houses, and move on Saturday!! Eek!  It is so surreal, but this time next week I will be a home owner!  And in 9 - really 8 - days, we will be packing all of our belongings on a big truck and moving!   There is so much to do, and I really don't believe it actually is going to happen!  I can't wait to start turning the new place into our home.  We have done so much to this house.  The appraiser was in awe.  By the time we are finished in the new house, it, too, will be a showplace.  But we will have done it ourselves, because that's who we are.
So I completely understand that Yoga is part of P90X.  But why does it have to be so long?!  And why does it have to be every week?!
I did not yoga today.  I ran 2.3 miles in 27 minutes.

My splits looked like this: Mile 1 - 11:43; Mile 2 - 11:44; Mile 3 - 12:11.  It won't break any records, and it is far from a personal best, but it still felt great.  Running does something for me that nothing else I've found does.  It relaxes me, allows me to clear my mind.  All I think are in 4 counts.  In, 2, 3, 4, out, 2, 3, 4.  When I've been going too far, too fast, it goes to a 3 count.  But once I've found that rhythm, I'm good.  I really felt I could have kept going tonight.  And I really wanted to.  But G needed to get in the bath, and it was almost 8:30.  I may make this a regular thing during P90X.  I'll see how it affects my leg workout tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Better Late than Never

So it's not Sunday, and it's not Monday.  I know I'm a couple of days later than I said I would be getting this post up, but at least I'm getting it posted!

Workout Goals for this Week:
Monday - Core Synergistics
Tuesday - Cardio X
Wednesday - Shoulders & Arms; Ab Ripper X
Thursday - Yoga X (at least 45 minutes of it)
Friday - Legs & Back; Ab Ripper X
Saturday - Kenpo X
Sunday - Rest

I really need to change my rest day to Saturday.  I am much more likely to work out on Sunday, as it tends to be a more laid back day for our family.  And I am excited to begin seeing definition in my shoulders!  (when the lighting is just right, and the mirror is far away.)

Dining Goals for this Week:
Monday - Pork Stir Fry over Rice; Fruit Salad
Tuesday - Out to eat for Crawfish!
Wednesday - BBQ Chicken; Garlic Skillet New Potatoes; Greens (if they haven't gone bad...)
Thursday - Beef Burgundy; Egg Noodles; Roasted Beets & Feta
Friday, Saturday & Sunday - Eat out (it's the norm.  I just don't cook during the weekends because we aren't home!)
*This menu was planned in large part by Menus 4 Moms unless otherwise noted.
I did make a "Red & Green Salad" for lunches this week!
Mixed Salad Greens
(2) Roma Tomatoes
Green Onions
(2) Roasted Beets
(2) Radishes

Topped with:
Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing

My Weekend

So this weekend was our annual camping trip with G's Girl Scout Troop.  We started with 11 girls and 6 moms.  We lost one early due to an upset stomach on Saturday.  It was hot.  And we didn't find out until we checked out on Sunday that we could have requested the showers.  We just figured they would turn the water on closer to time for summer camps to start.  A cold shower would have felt really good on Saturday, but we survived!  We had so much fun hiking, and crafting, and cooking!  The girls played Marco Polo in all of their spare time.
What a great weekend!  I am so sad that this was our last outing with this troop of girls that Gillian and I have grown so close to.  I am looking forward to seeing what our new troop is involved in, though!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

St Louis - April 2011

I was so proud of myself for getting parked at the airport and to the correct terminal all by myself!  I have flown alone before, but I always had someone dropping me off.  This time I was completely on my own!  The flight was pretty uneventful. 

Do you see the rainbow?  That was there to greet us as we prepared to land in St. Louis!  So beautiful! 
Ron met me at baggage claim, and I was so happy to see him!  We dropped my things off at the hotel, then decided to walk to dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse just down the street.  Dinner was very good, although it cost more than I really wanted to spend. 
Dessert was divine!
After eating, we walked back to the hotel and met up with the guys and the moving company that they were buying drinks for.  They were drinking a St. Louis beer: Schlafly.  Love!  I ended up having just a couple too many, but at least we just had to walk up to our room!

Started way too early!  We were up at 6:30 and down in the ballroom by 7:00 to get the booth set up.

It looks so awesome!  I'm so proud of what Ron has built!
They were serving breakfast, but none of it looked very appealing.  I stuck with coffee and water to try to get rid of my hangover.  I also promised myself that there would only be two beers that night.  Ha!
During one of the workshops and meet-n-greet's that I didn't need to be at, I hightailed it up to the room with the goal of getting in Legs & Back.  My key wouldn't work!  I was so upset and frustrated.  Because I wasn't on the registration for the room, they wouldn't let me in!  I went back downstairs and read on my phone until Ron was finished with his meetings.  By then, there wasn't any time for a workout or nap because we had to get ready for the mixer!  I did really poorly at eating well, and in a timely manner on Friday.  I snacked on the hors d'oeuvres buffet they had set up, but most of it was fried or pure carbs.  And again, I drank too much and stayed out too late! 

But I ended up having so much fun!  The people Ron works with are such a great group of people!  They really know how to have fun.  I don't know that I've laughed that hard in a very long time!
We did take the time during the day to walk down to the Arch, which was only a couple of blocks away.
From the street, I wasn't very impressed, but once we got up to it, I was amazed!  It is absolutely stunning!  The lines were too long for us to go up in it, and I'm not sure I really would have wanted to!  It's very big!

Our last day!  I was not ready to leave!  This city, at least the small parts I saw, are so pretty! 

Ron and I slept in, then he went down to pack up the booth, while I made sure all of our things were packed. 
Then we were off to the airport!

What I experienced of St. Louis, was wonderful.  I would love to go back with time to explore the city.  I was very dissappointed that the one meal we ate out for was at a restaurant we could, and have, eat at in Fort Worth.  But I did really enjoy the local beer!  We are trying to find it here.  I think we could probably ask them to order it for us at World Market.  I may have to try that soon!

My week so far

It has been a real struggle to find time to update!  I am such a perfectionist, that I want pictures and links, the perfect post, before I'll publish!  So here's my recap:

Food I Have Eaten This Week

My Workout Plan

Since I didn't complete all of week 1 of P90X last week, I decided to make this week a part 2 of week 1.  I did not work out at all Sunday or Monday - bad Taryn - but on Tuesday I did Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X.  Wednesday I managed to complete 30 whole minutes of Yoga X!  I was very excited about that!  It was very difficult, and I was doing really well with my focus until Ron decided he just had to talk to me.  I convinced him that wasn't a good idea and tried to get back into it, but developed a sharp pain in my lower abdomen during a plank.  It wouldn't go away, and really hurt, so I decided to call it quits.  Tonight I will do Arms & Shoulders and as much of Ab Ripper X as I can before that pain comes back.  I am camping tomorrow and Saturday, so the goal is to wake up early to do Kenpo on Friday, then take the weekend off and start on Monday with week 2.  I am very proud of the progress I have made over the last two weeks.  I've managed to hang with the dvd's for the most part.  I am sore, but I love it!  It makes me feel like I've accomplished something.  I love feeling the muscles in my legs working as I stand up from my desk or walk across the office!

On Sunday I will post the menu and workout plan for the week following.  I doubt I will post again before that.  Going camping with 11 3rd grade Girl Scouts won't allow for much free time for posting.  I am looking forward to it, though I wish I could split myself into two in order to also spend the weekend at the lake with Ron! 

Monday, May 2, 2011


I am thinking about renaming this blog "Taryn's Misadventures in the Kitchen".  It seems like every time I try to cook, I manage to burn or destroy something.  Tonight I am trying Baked Banana Oatmeal for my breakfast for the next couple of days.  I am currently out of spinach, so I can't do my Green Monster.  (I'll post that recipe later, but it's loosely adapted from here.  I'll let you know how the oatmeal is after I've finished it!
But back to the misadventure: I turned on the oven without checking inside. A couple of minutes later Ron asked what I was burning; it's a common occurrence. When I opened the oven door a few minutes later, smoke billowed out! Sitting on the rack was the pizza box from dinner earlier! Fortunately nothing burned but the cardboard was a little blackened. Oops! Maybe next time I'll check!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Home again!

So I am back home.  I'm working on my St Louis post, but it might be a day or two before I have it ready.  I wasn't able to see much beyond our hotel, but we were a block from the Arch. 
I did not get any workouts in.  I actually had time for legs on Saturday, but my key wouldn't work!  Ron was in meetings, so by the time he was finished, I barely had time to get ready for the mixer!  This weekend I did not set the best example for healthy eating/living.  There was too much alcohol involved, not enough good, real food, and little to no exercise.  So today, I am getting back on the wagon. 
I had a grilled chicken salad at lunch from Logan's Roadhouse in Waxahachie and lots of water.  Tonight we are having Ron's Mom's Pot Roast.  I'll post the recipe if it turns out.  It usually does!  And I am doing Kenpo X.  Ron is running a 5k with Chris next week while G and I are camping, so he is planning to run tonight.
We are also currently stressing over the status of our house purchase.  I won't go into much detail, but we're afraid our buyer may have walked on the contract.  It's outside of her option period, so legally she can't do that.  But we are back to not packing. I am so ready for this part to be over!  Who knew it would be so stressful!  I'll keep you updated.