Friday, May 13, 2011

Packing & Yoga

Look at this! 

Count 'em...2 whole boxes are packed!  Woot! 
We had our appraisal today, and our realtor is very hopeful that it went well.  The appraisal on our new house is tomorrow morning.  If everything gets in like it's supposed to, we are still on track to close on Wednesday on both houses, and move on Saturday!! Eek!  It is so surreal, but this time next week I will be a home owner!  And in 9 - really 8 - days, we will be packing all of our belongings on a big truck and moving!   There is so much to do, and I really don't believe it actually is going to happen!  I can't wait to start turning the new place into our home.  We have done so much to this house.  The appraiser was in awe.  By the time we are finished in the new house, it, too, will be a showplace.  But we will have done it ourselves, because that's who we are.
So I completely understand that Yoga is part of P90X.  But why does it have to be so long?!  And why does it have to be every week?!
I did not yoga today.  I ran 2.3 miles in 27 minutes.

My splits looked like this: Mile 1 - 11:43; Mile 2 - 11:44; Mile 3 - 12:11.  It won't break any records, and it is far from a personal best, but it still felt great.  Running does something for me that nothing else I've found does.  It relaxes me, allows me to clear my mind.  All I think are in 4 counts.  In, 2, 3, 4, out, 2, 3, 4.  When I've been going too far, too fast, it goes to a 3 count.  But once I've found that rhythm, I'm good.  I really felt I could have kept going tonight.  And I really wanted to.  But G needed to get in the bath, and it was almost 8:30.  I may make this a regular thing during P90X.  I'll see how it affects my leg workout tomorrow!

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